Rescue Trust

The ownership of an Irish Wolfhound is a big responsibility! If you are considering an Irish Wolfhound, it is your responsibility to find out as much about this breed as possible. Excellent resources include breeders and owners, and the Irish Wolfhound Club of America (IWCA).

Rescued wolfhounds are often of unknown origin. Unknowns may include age, health, heritage and behaviors around other people and animals. If you are considering adopting a rescued Irish Wolfhound, you must be prepared to meet the needs of this hound.

If you have the resources to foster or adopt an Irish Wolfhound, contact your local representative in the IW National Rescue Directory. Irish Wolfhound Rescue contacts both in California and Nationally can be found there.

IWAWC has established the Irish Wolfhound Rescue Trust Endowment Fund to provide resources for the care of rescued hounds. The endowment is maintained by the IW Foundation. The Goal of IWF Rescue is to encourage and support the rescue efforts of the IWCA, Regional IW organizations, and individuals by providing a vehicle for tax-deductible donations which will be used to re-home and care for Irish Wolfhounds in need.

For rescue assistance and information contact:

Irish Wolfhound Club of America – Jean Minnier at

If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to our endowment fund, please make the check payable to:

The Irish Wolfhound Foundation, Inc.

Mail to:

The Irish Wolfhound Foundation, Inc.
David C. Milne, Treasurer
150 Creek Rd.
Phillipsburg, NJ 08865